Day centre

The Day Centre dedicates itself to helping maintain and promote participant independence while enhancing quality of life.

The Saint Margaret Day Centre, located at 50 Hillside Avenue in Westmount, Quebec, is part of the SAPA program (Support Program for the Autonomy of Seniors) of CIUSSS West-Central Montreal.

Please note: All participants must be referred by a CLSC case manager/pivot. Please contact your CLSC case manager for further information.

About us

The mission of the Saint Margaret Day Centre is to help older adults maintain their independence, while enhancing their quality of life using a dynamic interdisciplinary, holistic approach to well-being.

Who is the day centre for?

The Saint Margaret Day Centre offers programs for older adults, ages 65 + who are experiencing some loss of autonomy, but live at home on the island of Montreal. The daily activities offered in the centre enable seniors to improve or preserve their social and cognitive skills, while also helping maintain their mobility and physical well-being.

When is the day centre open?

The day centre is open Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Clients attend once a week. A hot lunch is provided each day.
Specific days are dedicated to encouraging multicultural participation, for clients whose first language may not be English or French. Otherwise, the days are divided by overall functioning abilities and common interests. This schedule is established during a guided tour of the day centre.

We do not offer transportation. Participants must use adapted transport or other alternatives, such as family or private drivers to attend in-person day centre activities.



    Daily programming on site includes a variety of social, cognitive, educational, therapeutic and leisure activities (e.g.: music and art therapy, baking, exercise, discussion groups on current events and other topics of interest, group outings).

    The following programs are also offered through the Saint Margaret Day Centre:

    Virtual Inclusion Program

    This unique program began in March 2022 and enables seniors in their homes to connect virtually via an iPad to activities happening simultaneously at the day centre. Older adults who are unable to attend in-person activities at the day centre due to physical limitations or other medical reasons are visited by an educator, who brings along an iPad to assist them in connecting with the day centre so that they can participate in activities virtually.

    In-Home Stimulation Project

    This program benefits clients who cannot attend the day centre in person due to a medical reason, while offering caregivers respite as well. Clients are visited by students studying in the fields of social work or special care counselling. The students provide one-on-one activities and stimulation in the form of social discussions, cognitive games and exercise programs.


      • Minimize the effects of physical, cognitive, psychological and/or social decline
      • Improve quality of life by maximizing and/or maintaining the functional skills and independence level of participants
      • Help maintain the autonomy of older adults who live at home
      • Inform participants and caregivers about resources and strategies for their health and well-being
      • Increase awareness of safety issues
      • Diminish feelings stemming from social isolation
      • Provide respite for caregiver(s)
      • Provide a learning environment for students
      • Deliver a continuum of care

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